January 2014 updates to Magnum

Since the pre­vi­ous Oc­to­ber snap­shot Mag­num gained Visu­al Stu­dio port, font con­ver­sion util­ity, im­proved text ren­der­ing along with ex­ample ap­plic­a­tion, sup­port for OpenGL de­bug out­put, doc­u­ment­a­tion up­dates, bet­ter test cov­er­age and many more us­ab­il­ity im­prove­ments and fixes.

Reducing C++ compilation time in Magnum: code optimizations

Large C++ pro­jects of­ten suf­fer with very long times for both full and in­cre­ment­al com­pil­a­tion, severely hurt­ing pro­ductiv­ity. The fol­low­ing series will over­view some tech­niques em­ployed in Mag­num to make it­er­a­tion times smal­ler, this art­icle fo­cuses on code-based op­tim­iz­a­tions.

C++11 features in Magnum: Better memory management

Re­gard­less to what lan­guage you use, you al­ways need to think about memory man­age­ment. Garbage col­lect­ors might give you a sense that it’s done auto­ma­gic­ally, but to get more per­form­ance you need to have con­trol over heap us­age in code run­ning at 60 FPS. C++11 helps to avoid many heap al­loc­a­tions without sac­ri­fi­cing us­ab­il­ity.

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