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Magnum 2020.06 released

Re­designed geo­metry pipeline to­geth­er with massive ad­di­tions to im­port­er plu­gins, new de­bug­ging, visu­al­iz­a­tion and pro­fil­ing tools, new ex­amples in­clud­ing flu­id sim­u­la­tion and raytra­cing, in­stan­cing in built­in shaders and a gal­lery of cool pro­jects to get in­spired from.

Introducing Guest Posts

One of the goals while build­ing the new Mag­num web­site was to lower the bar­ri­er for con­trib­ut­ing con­tent. With Git and Git­Hub it’s already very easy to con­trib­ute code to the pro­ject it­self, so why not ex­tend that to the web­site as well?