Introducing Corrade, a plugin management and utility library
Originally developed for Kompas, this library provides both static and dynamic plugin management with dependency support and also various filesystem, portability and debugging utilities.
corrade (v.) — “To scrape together, to gather together from various sources”
- Easy-to-use plugin management library with support for both static and dynamic plugins and also dependency handling
- INI-style configuration parser and writer with hierarchic group support
- Classes for easy debug/error output with support for printing out custom types, inspired with QDebug
- Manager for resources compiled directly into executables, filesystem, endianness utilites and more
- Written in pure C++ with no external dependencies, using CMake build system
- Strong code coverage with unit tests
Get Corrade
Current version is 0.2 (previous version 0.1 was part of Kompas), you can download packages for your favorite distribution, build from source or view documentation at download page:
Future plans
Because I use this library in another project (and that’s also why I split it from Kompas), many new features are planned, such as unit testing suite aiming to be more tailored for my needs than QtTest or C++11-only features, such as easy printing of iterable containers to debug output. This feature is already in experimental branch c++11 on GitHub.
Main focus will be on support for plugins written in other languages besides C++ (such as Java or Python). This is also school project which I have to have done.
Speaking of Kompas, next version will depend on this library and it will be released soon (read: in less than a year, as I’m currently having some problems with Windows build).